Is Assertiveness the skill you need right now to thrive in the workplace? Self LeadershipGuest User18 January 2021Beauty Box LeadershipHow to be more assertive at work?, how to be more assertive at work examples?, How can I be more assertive at work without being rude?, How can I improve my assertiveness?, What are the four steps to being assertive?, How to be more assertive ta work as a woman, How to be assertive at work as a manager, How to be more assertive at work book, how to be assertive at work without being aggressive, assertiveness techniques, assertiveness exercises, Assertive, passive, assertiveness, aggressive, passivity, desires, confident, person, making, enjoy, people, behaviour, life, consequences, impact, negative, feedback, checklist, give, trainingComment
Success tips for health and care workers working remotely in 2021. Remote WorkingGuest User11 January 2021remote work, remote working,,, career coaching, career development, career coach, leadership, healthcare nurses, nursing professionals, nurses, social workersComment
Twenty-five things you can do on your 30-minute break whether you are working at home or on the ward Stress Management Guest User3 January 2021Beauty Box LeadershipTime, minute, 30 mutes break, enjoy my breaks, enjoy, write. Ways, break, budget, favourite, lunch hour ideas, lunch hour, music, play music. Favourite songs, career successComment
How to stop burnout before it stops you. Stress Management Guest User28 December 2020Stress, management, life, negative, demands, positive, time, thoughts, problems, place, response, write, questions, reflection, mind, exercises, peace, affirmations, find, planning, tasksComment
Tips for managing your alcohol intake over Christmas Stress Management Guest User24 December 2020Beauty Box Leadershipmanaging alcohol intake, alcohol, nurses, doctors, social workers, work stress, alcohol and stress, effects of alcohol on stress, stress management, managing stress
January 2021 Book Club Book Reviews Guest User23 December 2020Beauty Box Leadership professionals book club, career book club, book club, professional development book club, january 2021 book club, january book club, books, clubs, professionals clubs, careers, read, nurses, social workers, professional development, leadership development, book reviews, non fiction book club, non fiction book reviewsComment
Three memorable family Christmas Bubble activities to enjoy in the lockdown Lifestyle Guest User18 December 2020Beauty Box Leadership healthcare, healthcare nurses, social workers, christmas, christmas bubble, lockdown, lockdown christmas, family bubble, covid19, covid19 christmas bubble, covid19 christmas, christmas activities, christmas foodComment
Seven ways to help manage work stress in a second lockdown Stress Management Guest User20 November 2020Beauty Box Leadership stress, work, exercise, workday,, life, stress management, relieve stress, ways to relieve work stress, relieve work stress, nurses, social workers, social care, social care jobs, healthcare nurses, bame nursesComment
How to deal with a slow job interview process Job SearchGuest User26 September 2020Beauty Box Leadership job search, management jobs, leadership jobs, career development, career growth, career coach, leadership coach, leadership coaching, job searching, job interviews, jobs for nurses, healthcare jobs, social care jobs, nurses, social workers Comment
How to grow your career in 15 minutes a day by reading books Book Reviews Guest User13 September 2020Careers, Career development, Career in healthcare, Healthcare management, Job interviews, Jobs in healthcare, Nurses, Social workers
End Procrastination Before Opportunities Pass You By Time management Guest User6 September 2020procrastination, career development, job search, interview coaching, career coaching, leadership coaching, BAME nurses, BAME professionalsComment
Book Review: The Discomfort Zone by Farrah Storr Book Reviews Guest User9 August 2020book club, july book club, career book club, professionals book club, August Bok Club, September Book Club, Career Success Book ClubComment
What would genuine strategic commissioning for Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities look like? LeadershipGuest User1 August 2020Healthcare leadership, Senior healthcare leaders, Healthcare leaders, BAME healthcare leaders, BAME leaders, BAME communities, Covid19
The Courage Competency The Courage competency and the NHS 6C’s values for nursing practice. Read More LeadershipGuest User25 July 2020leadership, leadership development, careers, career coaching, nursing professionals, 6C's, NHS, NHS Leadership Academy
July 2020 Book Club July BBL Book ClubThe Discomfort Zone by Farrah Storr Read More Book Reviews Guest User10 July 2020book club, july book club, non fiction book club, professional development book club, management, leadership, career coachingComment