How to be intentional about your health and care career
Setting intentions gives us purpose. Think about how driven and fulfilled you've felt in the past when you've had a goal. Alternatively, think about a day in your life where you needed to accomplish something, but you lacked purpose for doing it. There is likely a notable difference between what you achieved and how you felt about your achievement!
“You can set an intention for anything in life.
You can get out of bed and be abstract and say that you "intend" to have a great day. You can also be specific and list out what you intend to accomplish daily or in the long term.
For example, you may exercise in the morning and let's say that when you exhale with every breath while you exercise, you are releasing negative energy while inhaling positivity. In the end, you're not only relaxed but also rejuvenated. You have set an intention to feel relaxed and rejuvenated through doing exercise every morning.
Another example could be, you may read a career success book every morning, and as you get through the books you want to read, you are learning new skills to go for your dream job. You have intended to learn new skills to get your dream job by reading for 30 mins each morning.
There are key ideas I want to share with you on how you can bring out your intentions and make your planning more comfortable and your quest for your goals more fruitful.
Take your career dreams seriously.
Don't allow yourself to push your goals away. You need to bring them into reality! When you intend to do something, it becomes real and brings your dreams to life.
Gain clarity.
Do whatever is within your power to clarify your dreams and intentions. You can do this by merely brainstorming and sorting out your thoughts in my very popular digital Career Goal Planner work book.
Declare your intentions about your career dreams.
Make your intentions known to others so you'll be held accountable for them. You might think that keeping them inside is better because no one will know if you fail, but in that scenario, you've given up and failed yourself. Involve your family when you complete the relevant areas in the work book to identify your support network to make your life, and career goals come to fruition. You can get it.
Take action daily.
Whether your intentions are large or small, do something every day, that's a step forward toward your career dreams. Even if your step for the day is a tiny one, it's positive progress that'll add up to something significant over time. My workbook allows you to review your progress monthly, so you do more of what works for you to take your life and career dreams forward.
If you haven't already purchased my digital Career Goal planner for 2021-2023, don't wait. Take your life and career dreams seriously by committing to them on paper.
Beaulah Chizimba is a Career Coach, Leadership Facilitator and Trainer
She writes about career and leadership development strategies for personal professional performance and team performance.